ALIA Schools
Latest research entries
We endeavour to provide Open Access evidence based research. Some articles will need to be accessed through your State Library.
Motivating book reading during adolescence: qualitative insights from adolescents
Webber, C., Wilkinson, K., Duncan, L. G., & McGeown, S. (2024). Motivating book reading during adolescence: qualitative insights from adolescents. Educational Research, The article explores factors motivating...
Unpacking the science of reading research
Rollo, G., & Picker, K. (2024). Unpacking the science of reading research.Australian Council for Educational Research. AbstractThe science of reading (SoR) is a term used for a body of evidence encompassing...
Reading the reader: A survey of Australian reading habits.
Australia Council (2017) OverviewReading the reader: A survey of Australian reading habits provides insights into contemporary preferences, behaviours and attitudes of Australians towards books and reading. The Australia Council has partnered with Macquarie University...